Moon Rituals for the Full and New Moon

Moon Rituals (or Ceremonies or Practices)
Whether you're new to this or true to this, moon rituals are a fabulous way to manifest your desires and ease your spirit. Moon rituals are an ancient practice and a tool in your spiritual journey to guide you towards alignment and accomplishing your goals.
Under the new moon, the sun and moon come into alignment merging their masculine and feminine energies. This time is aligned with positive change.
During the full moon, the moon is fully feminine and is aligned with intuition, personal insight, nourishment, and even creativity.

When manifesting, you're calling goals into your life. A powerful first step is writing down what you'd like to bring into your life with a pen and paper. Be clear and be specific.
The new moon is best for beginning new paths, starting projects, recognizing what you want to attract, and is a great time to set your intentions.
The full moon recognizes what you've manifested and completed. It's also a great time for cleansing and letting go of things that no longer serve you.
New Moon Rituals
To amplify intentions under the new moon, I like to:
- Clean my living/workspace (I generally do this under both moons)
- Clear out any current energies with sage and welcome in new energy with palo santo or incense that matches the intentions I'm setting
- Light candles, specifically the colors that match my intentions
- Burn oil/essential oil to accompany my intentions
- Charge and program my crystals that are related to the intensions I'm setting
- For example, if I'm welcoming wealth into my life, I'll fire up an Attracts Money incense, light a green/gold money candle, burn money oil or citrus essential oils, and charge and program my aventurine, pyrite, citrine, and jade gemstones.
Full Moon Rituals
Under the full moon I like to:
- Clean my living/workspace
- Clear out any current energies with sage and welcome in new energy with palo santo or incense
- Say affirmations in the form I am statements and acknowledge what I'm grateful for.
- Leave my stones under the full moon to cleanse them of any stagnant energy they may hold
- When I need, I also release energies that no longer serve me under the Full Moon.
Most Importantly

No matter how much or little I do, what was most important was that I believed I deserved and could achieve my desires. Faith and action go hand in hand.

Important Note: While gemstones are believed to have various metaphysical properties, it's crucial to remember that their effectiveness is subjective and not scientifically proven. The true power lies within our consciousness, and gemstone use should not replace professional medical advice. If you have health concerns, it is recommended to consult with a physician or healthcare professional for appropriate guidance, whether holistic or pharmaceutical.
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